Desktop Sharing

Softros LAN Messenger comes with simple and secure desktop sharing functionality. It is based on Microsoft's Remote Assistance technology and thus available on machines running Windows only.

To access the desktop sharing features, follow these steps.

  1. Download and install Softros LAN messenger
  2. Restore Softros LAN Messenger from the taskbar notification area.
  3. Start a conversation with the user you would like to request assistance from or whose desktop you would like to connect to.
  4. On the toolbar of the Conversation window, click the Desktop Sharing button.

    Desktop Sharing button in the Conversation window
  5. Depending on what you need to do, click either of the two available options.
    • Request Assistance from – allows you to ask the remote user to connect to your desktop.
    • Remote into Computer – allows you to connect to the remote user's desktop.

Requesting Remote Assistance

  1. Click Request Assistance from. The following message will appear in the Conversation text box.

    Remote assistance request is sent
    If you need to revoke your request, click Cancel. The button will then turn into the status Canceled.

    Remote assistance request is canceled
  2. Once the remote user has accepted your request, the button Cancel will turn into the status Accepted meaning the session has started.

    Remote assistance request is accepted
    Additionally, a semitransparent dialog box notifying you about the session's status will be displayed on your desktop as long as the session is active. The box cannot be hidden, covered or closed without the session being interrupted. You can, however, move it across the screen.

    Remote Assistance status dialog box
  3. To finish the remote session at any time, click End Session in the status dialog box. Once you have ended the session, the status Accepted in the Conversation text box will change to Complete.

    Remote assistance session is complete

Providing Remote Assistance

  1. Click Remote into Computer. A remote session window will open on your desktop.

    Remoting into another user's computer
    If you need to cancel the session, click the Close button found in the top right-hand corner of the window.
  2. Enter the user name and password of an account that has administrative rights on the remote computer. This can be a local or domain administrator account and may not necessarily be the user account you are connecting to. Optionally, you can check the Save my credentials check box for faster logon later on. Finally, click OK.
  3. After you have successfully logged on, a semitransparent dialog box notifying you about the session's status will be displayed on the remote user's desktop as long as the session is active. The box cannot be hidden, covered or closed without the session being interrupted. You can, however, move it across the remote user's screen.

    Remote Control status dialog box
  4. When you are finished with the session, click the Close button in the remote session window to end it. If the remote user ends the session on their side first, you will be notified with the following message:

    Remote session is ended

The following buttons are found on the toolbar of the remote session window.
