Messaging Automation With SDK DLL

Softros LAN Messenger SDK (Software Development Kit) provides headers, libraries, and examples for embedding message sending functionality to your software. The SDK requires:

Sending Messages and Files using DLL

Softros LAN Messenger provides access to its APIs via MessengerAPIx86.dll and MessengerAPIx64.dll dynamic link libraries for x86 and x64 architectures. The ARM architecture is not supported. Libraries are included in Softros LAN Messenger installation and located in \SDK\DLLs\ subfolder. Usage examples in C#, C++, and Delphi programming languages can be found in \SDK\DLLs\Examples\ subfolder.

Currently, SDK provides two functions for that:

SendMessage Function Syntax

uint SendMessage(
    recipientTypeEnum  recipientType,
    string             recipientValue,
    string             MsgText
DWORD SendMessage(
    [in] recipientTypeEnum  recipientType,
    [in] const wchar_t*     recipientValue,
    [in] const wchar_t*     MsgText
function SendMessage(recipientType: DWORD; recipientValue: PWideChar; MsgText: PWideChar): DWORD; stdcall;

SendFiles Function Syntax

uint SendFiles(
    recipientTypeEnum  recipientType,
    string             recipientValue,
    string             MsgText,
    string             FilesList
DWORD SendFiles(
    [in] recipientTypeEnum  recipientType,
    [in] const wchar_t*     recipientValue,
    [in] const wchar_t*     MsgText,
    [in] const wchar_t*     FilesList
function SendFiles(recipientType: DWORD; recipientValue: PWideChar; MsgText: PWideChar; FilesList: PWideChar): DWORD; stdcall;


recipientType [in] recipientType recipientType:
public enum recipientTypeEnum
    UID      = 0,
    IP       = 1,
    PCName   = 2,
    UserName = 3,
    Group    = 4,
    All      = 5
enum class recipientTypeEnum
	UID      = 0,
	IP       = 1,
	PCName   = 2,
	UserName = 3,
	Group    = 4,
	All      = 5
//cast to DWORD
  TrecipientTypeEnum = (UID, IP, PCName, UserName, Group, All);

The type of recipient. See Recipient Types for details.

string recipientValue [in] const wchar_t* recipientValue recipientValue: PWideChar
The recipient. The format depends on the value of the recipientType. See Recipient Types for details. Can be nullNULLnil only if the value of recipientType is All.

string MsgText [in] const wchar_t* MsgText MsgText: PWideChar
The message text. Can be NULL only when used with SendFiles function and if no message needs to be attached to the file transfer.

string FilesList [in] const wchar_t* FilesList FilesList: PWideChar
The list of paths to files and/or folders separated by line breaks, i.e., "\r\n"L"\r\n"#13#10

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following error codes:

CodeDescriptionPossible remedy
1 Error: The recipient has not been found. Wrong name of the recipient. Please double-check its UID, name or address along with case sensitivity where applicable.
2 Error: The SDK API is not enabled in the Admin.ini. Enable it by setting the AllowSDKAPI parameter to 1.
3 Error: Softros LAN Messenger is not running. Check if Softros LAN Messenger is installed and running

Successful execution of the function does not guarantee the message has been received by the recipient. For example, in case the recipient is offline, the message is stored for later delivery.