If you are not totally satisfied with Softros LAN Messenger, you can contact us to receive your money back. Please note that we can process refunds only if Softros LAN Messenger was purchased directly from Softros Systems (this website) by credit card or PayPal. We will refund the full amount of your order.
- Your licenses are perpetual; they never expire. This is not a subscription.
- During an active updates period, you can download, install, and use the most recent version of Softros LAN Messenger without any additional charges.
- Once your updates period has ended, you can continue to use the most recent version of the software that was released while your updates period was active.
Softros LAN Messenger is licensed on the "per running instance" basis. This means that the total number of licenses you need to purchase should cover the maximum possible number of users running Softros LAN Messenger at the same time.
Your order will be processed by Bright Market, LLC
d/b/a FastSpring
11 W. Victoria Street
Suite 207A Santa Barbara
CA 93101, USA
For order processing questions and queries you may also call the following phone numbers:
1-877-327-8914 toll-free US
1-805-409-9008 worldwide
Once your order is processed, you will be supplied with instructions and the required license key(s) in an email sent to the address you specified in your order. You do not need to download a full version of Softros Messenger after you purchased the license; your license key will automatically remove the 30-day evaluation period limitation from your demo version.